To all mothers out there: HAPPY & BLESSED MOTHERS' DAY!!
Last Sunday was Mothers' Day. Coincidentally, the day before that, my school had a Parents-Teachers Meeting (PTM). I spoke to many parents and I could really see that all of them love their children a lot.
However, it's really not easy being a parent these days. The youths today are totally different from their parents' generation. YouTube, Wii, PSP, Xbox, MSN, DOTA are things that are unheard of to many parents.
Yet, the parents still do their best to love their children. And that involves disciplining them. It's really not easy to be a good parent.
I watched this video in church on Mothers' Day, and thought it was really a funny way of looking at how much our mothers love us (when they nag). I myself could identify with so many of the things mentioned in the song. :) I thank God for my mum.