Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I Love Singapore!!

Happy 43rd Birthday, Singapore!!!

This year, we celebrate our nation's 43rd birthday. I'm proud to be a Singaporean.

For such a small nation, our global influence and achievements are simply amazing. We have the world's best airport, the world's top airline, the world's busiest port, etc. We are also one of the best places in the world to do business.

However, all of the above will not last if we have a whole generation of Singaporeans constantly looking outwards and emigrating to other nations at every opportunity. They have forgotten how much blessings they or their forefathers have received from this land.

We have to raise up Singaporeans who are loyal to Singapore and are willing to stay in times of crisis. In this time and age, crisis may strike any time - be it in the form of natural or man-made disasters, or even economic recessions.

Love Singapore.

Singapore, my homeland, my inheritance

Hwa Chong Council Reunion

Last Saturday night, the Hwa Chong Institution (College) 32nd Students' Council organized a really massive Council Reunion. Of my batch - which is the 25th Students' Council, 14 of us turned up.

The shared memories that we had was something that each of us will never forget. I'm really thankful that during my JC days, I didn't indulge in computer games or waste my time away. I was able to build lasting friendships (not to mention serving the school).

Hence, I'm very sad when I see many young people today building their lives in the virtual world all day long - WOW, Maple Story, Runescape, Lineage. They seemed to have forgetten that there is a real world out there.

Even now (almost 10 years since we've parted), I can still relate very well with the councillors of my batch. It's really amazing.