Monday, December 19, 2011

Every Day is part of the Journey

Lately, I've been thinking about this.. there were perhaps a number of things that I had done in my youth which I kind of regret now.

Would my life be better now if I had not made some of the wrong choices/decisions? I was initially very tempted to say 'yes'. But upon further reflection and seeking the Lord about it, somehow I realized that the answer is likely to be 'no'.

Okay, of course, the kind of wrong choices/decisions are not the fatal kind like killing someone or getting killed.

Our past experiences shape us and mold our character. We have ups and downs, highs and lows in our lives all the time. Every day has the potential to be richly filled with learning experiences, loving memories and of course, discouraging setbacks.

It is never about the setbacks that stumble us. It is the way we deal with them that is important.

Every day is part of the journey - love it. That's why I'm retaining this blog title - Loving Every Day!

Just look at Isaac - He loves every day! =D

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