However, I wasn't very well developed physically. I was overweight and was in the then TAF Club (Trim And Fit). I wore thick glasses, and really looked like a nerd. Here's a photo of myself during primary school days... Haha..
Thankfully, when I went to secondary school, I joined NPCC. I was quite involved in it. And I was able to have a much more balanced lifestyle. Besides gaming, I also went out with my friends and played basketball with them. Haha.. And I slimmed down and became more fit. =)
Well, I don't believe that gaming is no good. It's just that we need to develope a balanced lifestyle. Besides the virtual & online world, there's still a whole real & exciting world out there to explore.
Just yesterday, I brought 11 youths to learn tennis at NJC. This is one of the pilot projects of Project CRUSH (which means Cyberspace Risks where U Seek Help) and I'm one of their volunteers. The aims of this project is to help young people have balanced lifestyles. There are more and more youths getting addicted to the virtual world - MSN, Maple Story, DOTA , friendster, blogging, etc.
After tennis, I brought the youths down to Gameslab to play computer games together. This will help them form a healthy gaming community and also healthy lifestyles.
These are the photos of our first tennis session. We will do it once every week during the June holidays.