Today, I just did an online Multiple Intelligence test. The result for the test is shown above. For those who don't know, there's this guy called Howard Gardner who believes that people have Multiple Intelligences (MI). He categorized them as Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Music, Natualistic, Body/Kinesthetic, Visual/Spatial, Mathematics and Linguistic.
For example, in my test, it says that I'm someone whose strengths are in interpersonal skills (means I can relate to people well) and mathematics (which implies I'm logical). I think those two things are good to have as I'm going to be a teacher. But of course, my weaknesses are in the areas of linguistic (which means I can't write or speak very well) or and music (yah, I'm tone deaf).
You can find out more about yourself. Try it!! Do the test at this website.
My leader in church shared this with me, which I found to be very true. After knowing which intelligences we are weak at, it doesn't mean that we become resigned to it. Instead, we should actually work hard at it.
In life, we might suddenly be thrown into situations whereby we need to make use of the intelligences that we're weakest at. If we can persevere on, we might see improvements. And even if we didn't improve much in that area, our character will grow because we persevere.
Intelligences and giftings are good. But a strong character is even better.
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