Thursday, November 16, 2006


For the sake of those who's not very proficient in Chinese, the literal translation of "姜还是老的辣" is that an old ginger (姜 jiang) is more spicy than a young ginger. Basically what it means is that someone who's older, would have an edge over someone who's younger.

Today I just went for my appointment at CGH to see the skin specialist. The skin specialist that I iniitally saw was a gentleman who's around mid-thirties. He doesn't seemed very sure of my condition. He told me what he think might have happened. Then he asked me to go and see the senior doctor opposite his room later. Obviously I was quite surprised.

I waited for a while, and the nurse led me into another room. There was a much older doctor, who's a consultant in his sixties (means very very senior doctor), and the young doctor whom I initially saw was there too. The consultant took a look at my rashes, and asked me a few questions. Then he was quite sure of my condition, and he used me to teach the young doctor what happened. The latter listened patiently.

I was very intrigued by the whole process - that the older doctor was imparting his experience to the young doctor and the young doctor was listening patiently. The photo belows show a good mix of old and young doctors.
I think that older people really have a lot of experience & wisdom that we young people don't have (yah, I'm quite young too, haha). If we willing to be humble and learn from them, we would be able to avoid some of the mistakes they have made before.

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