I first bought the game about 2 months back, and started playing quite regularly here and there.
Till date, somehow, I still have not really mastered the game. For reasons unknown, the team that I'm in somehow usually lose.
The screen capture below shows one of the few times that I actually won, and I managed to get some good items (come on, it wasn't easy for me to get a Butterfly).
And I actually did pretty average as compared to other players (I'm ranked 4th below).
There's something inside me that always want to win. Hence, I get very frustrated when I lose games, even computer games like DOTA. I had never liked admitting that I'm bad at something.
I have come to a conclusion: My dota skills are really quite bad, despite consistent practise.
But honestly, so what if I always win in DOTA? That's just a virtual world and there's no prizes for it (unless I'm so good I play in WCG & win!!). I would prefer to be able to succeed in real-life.
Perhaps we should all stop and ponder: Is there anything in my life that I'm going after blindly? Is this thing worthwhile?