Saturday, December 29, 2007

Kevin's BIG Day!!!

Last night, I finally was able to baptize Kevin at TCT. He has been in my cell group for almost 2 years. I have seen him grow not just physically (yes, he's taller than me now), but also spiritually and emotionally. I really thank God for his faithfulness.

Here's his baptism testimony:

"Before I receive Christ into my life, I was a very quiet person. I did not like to talk to people and hence, I did not have many friends in school. The only people that I talked to were my own family, especially my sister and my mother. I could talk to them about anything. However, this did not last because when I was about 10 years old, my parents decided to have a divorce. My sister and I disliked our father and even called him names. And because of the divorce, I was very upset and started eating non-stop. I wanted to forget all the bad things through eating a lot. I grew fat rather quickly at that point in time. Then my mum’s friend began to bring me to her Catholic church. However I did not have a relationship with God, and I was still very much bothered by my parents’ divorce. No one seems to be able to understand what I was going through.

Subsequently, when I was about 11 years old, another of my mother’s friend brought my mother and I to FCBC. My mother went for the adult service, whereas I went to the Sunday school. I did not really know why but I decided to accept Jesus into my life when the pastor gave the altar call. Perhaps it was because deep down inside, I wanted God to help me take away the pain and hurts in my life. Coincidentally, my mother also received Christ on the same day. Thank God for it.

After receiving Christ, I began to realize the importance of living a true Christian life. I wanted to change my way of living and looking at things. However, I failed to do it initially. I went back to old ways and didn’t want to talk to anyone and kept over-eating. My cell leader, Nicodemus, told me many times about the things I need to change, however, I refused to listen and shut him out. Finally, towards the end of secondary one, there was once when I felt the Holy Spirit convict my heart to change after Nicodemus talked to me again.

Now, by the grace of God, I stopped my over-eating habits and I started to view life more positively. I also managed to break out of my old self and was able to interact more with others, especially my own cell brothers. I am faithful in attending church and cell activities weekly. In school, my results have improved significantly. However, I recognize that I still have to work on the way I treat my teachers.

My relationship with my mother and sister improved as well. I learned to care and love them better. For instance, I do the housework regularly. I am still in the process of learning how to forgive my dad. The good thing is that I definitely do not dislike him now as much as before. Thank God for all these breakthroughs in my life. Amen!

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